Blank reflections

“Ever tried it? You meet someone you think you know, but they don’t recognize you?” – Trine Søndergaard asks one day when we meet at her studio to talk about the exhibition A Room [...]

Blind Spejling

Kender du det? Du møder nogen, du synes du kender, men de genkender ikke dig? Spørger Trine Søndergaard en dag vi mødes i hendes atelier for at tale om udstillingen A Room Inside på [...]

To Be Lost In An Image

Trine Søndergaard has photographed the inside out of Carlsberg. The underground storage cellars, depicted in her work, were built in 1847 and used for storage and fermentation of beer when beer was produced in [...]

Stasis: How to See

Introduction: Photography among the Arts An installation view of Trine Søndergaard’s series of photographs Strude in the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek from 2010 shows marble heads of Roman emperors in the room behind (fig. 1). [...]

Back to the Future

Throughout Denmark there are landscapes lying in wait, ready to return to nature. Cultivated areas that were – maybe for centuries – burdened by farming, are to be set free to play a positive [...]

Figures in a Landscape

How to Hunt invites us to contemplate Danish hunting scenarios. Since 2004 Trine Søndergaard and Nicolai Howalt have been joining bird and deer hunts. At first glance places where hunting occurs appear orderly, in [...]

Monochrome Portraits

Photographic portraits are not usually monochrome. They can be in black and white or in colour. But with Trine Søndergaard’s Monochrome Portraits each portrait is focused on one single colour. The portrait and frame is a finely balanced [...]