Morgenthaler: Kunstnerens lærling: Trine Søndergaard
Anders Morgenthaler går i lære hos forskellige kunstnere for at være med, når kunsten bliver til. På den måde får vi lov til at være med i den kunstneriske proces, se detaljerne i håndværket [...]
Trine Søndergaard: Exploring emptiness from within
"I am drawn towards something lonely, quiet and empty." In this video Trine Søndergaard takes us on location in an abandoned house, tracing the life once lived there. Meet an artist, who defies today's [...]
Kvinder set af en kvinde – og andre gode grunde til at opleve Trine Søndergaards fotografier
Udstillingen WORKS i Den Sorte Diamant cementerer Trine Søndergaards status som en af Danmarks mest anerkendte kunstfotografer. Ikke mindst hendes kvindeportrætter er uforlignelige: ladet med det reelle, eksistentielle og ubestemmelige – og integritet. Trine [...]
Photographic Artefacts Relics and layers in Trine Søndergaard’s work
If you encounter the series Callus at an exhibition, it is as life-sized photographs – subjects so monumental you fall silent before them. The crooked wooden structures exposed to you against a dark background [...]
Everything is illuminated by its opposite – Life by death, darkness by light, sound by silence.
Maybe the slate is always wiped clean, a tabula rasa constantly, with every breathing moment, imprinted with what we sense. We never manage to register how blank the slate is because the present moment, [...]
Showing What Cannot be Seen – Four Aspects of Trine Søndergaard’s Photography
"Thanks to its code of connotation the reading of the photograph is (…) always historical; it depends on the reader’s ’knowledge’ just as though it were a matter of a real language [langue], intelligible [...]
A Realm of Possibility: The Portraits of Trine Søndergaard
The architect M.G. Bindesbøll understood the interplay of light and sculpture at Thorvaldsen’s Museum. Architectural subtleties like the position of the windows and the subdued colours of the walls shape the natural light that [...]
Accumulated Time – On the work series ’Hovedtøj’ by Trine Søndergaard
A visit to the manor Krabbesholm in the town of Skive in north-west Denmark around 1850 would, in all probability, have led to a chance encounter with Mrs Christiane Dalsgaard wearing her finest silk [...]
Blank reflections
“Ever tried it? You meet someone you think you know, but they don’t recognize you?” – Trine Søndergaard asks one day when we meet at her studio to talk about the exhibition A Room [...]
Blind Spejling
Kender du det? Du møder nogen, du synes du kender, men de genkender ikke dig? Spørger Trine Søndergaard en dag vi mødes i hendes atelier for at tale om udstillingen A Room Inside på [...]
To Be Lost In An Image
Trine Søndergaard has photographed the inside out of Carlsberg. The underground storage cellars, depicted in her work, were built in 1847 and used for storage and fermentation of beer when beer was produced in [...]
Stasis: How to See
Introduction: Photography among the Arts An installation view of Trine Søndergaard’s series of photographs Strude in the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek from 2010 shows marble heads of Roman emperors in the room behind (fig. 1). [...]
Between Visibility and Invisibility
The scarf reaches all the way down to the neck. Tied over the chin, mouth and the tip of the nose is a piece of material secured with a ribbon around the neck. Another piece, held in [...]
Back to the Future
Throughout Denmark there are landscapes lying in wait, ready to return to nature. Cultivated areas that were – maybe for centuries – burdened by farming, are to be set free to play a positive [...]
Figures in a Landscape
How to Hunt invites us to contemplate Danish hunting scenarios. Since 2004 Trine Søndergaard and Nicolai Howalt have been joining bird and deer hunts. At first glance places where hunting occurs appear orderly, in [...]
Monochrome Portraits
Photographic portraits are not usually monochrome. They can be in black and white or in colour. But with Trine Søndergaard’s Monochrome Portraits each portrait is focused on one single colour. The portrait and frame is a finely balanced [...]