Danish conceptual photography and new media art

Nanna Debois Buhl, Christina Capetillo, Charlotte Haslund-Christensen, and Trine Søndergaard

The artists featured in DANSK KONCEPTUELT FOTOGRAFI represent contemporary conceptual art practices that seek to unpack visual culture through research-driven inquiry. Each included series of work proposes an alternative reading of materials presented, highlighting the ways in which materials become imbued with history, theory, and cultural meaning.

The artists share an affinity for an inquiry-based, methodical approach to making art and photography. Each of the artists’ work is well known in Denmark and Europe, but under-known in the United States. The exhibition will bring their dynamic works together, highlighting the commonalities of their approaches and the distinctiveness of the resulting artworks.

Programs in conjunction with the exhibition in Houston include public artist talks, lectures, and workshops, as well as visits to area classrooms to conduct student workshops with the FotoFest learning program.

Exhibition organized by Steven Evans with Max Fields.

  • Danish conceptual photography and new media art
    2000 Edwards Street
    Houston, Texas 77007
  • September 11 – November 9, 2019

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