• Strude
  • Trine Søndergaard
  • published by: Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Denmark
  • year: 2010
  • language: English
  • editor: Flemming Friborg & Anne Marie Nielsen
  • text by Camilla Jalving
  • designed by: Camilla Jørgensen / Trefold
  • format: 28 x 23.3 cm
  • no. of pages: 47
  • no. of illustrations: 24
  • ISBN: 978-87-7452-314-7
  • The photo series by Trine Søndergaard titled “Strude”, which consists of portraits of women and girls in traditional costumes, was created between 2007 and 2010 on the North Sea Island of Fanø. Yet the images are much more than portraits of modern day individuals in historical clothing.The impersonal and standardised manner in which the costumed women and girls are rendered created an irritating distance and a sense of foreignness. The distancing effect is reinforced by the face covers that some of the sitters are wearing. Called “strude”, these face covers were used by women on the Danish island of Fanø to protect their faces against wind and weather while doing outdoor work.