Trine Søndergaard is part of CHART and exhibits a selection of new works at Martin Asbæk Gallery during the art fair from 28 – 30 August 2020.

The gallery will be hosting a book signing with Trine Søndergaard, who will be presenting her two newest publications; Stasis II and 203 WORKS. Both books show the scope and variety of her work.

Read more and find a link to tickets for the event here.

Book Signing
Martin Asbæk Gallery
August 30,

CHART focuses on women artists in a new de-centred art fair format

CHART will show 100% women artists in a new de-centred art fair format taking place across the five Nordic capitals from 28 – 30 August 2020. The new format combines physical exhibitions and events with online activities. Our ambition is to re-start the Nordic art scene in a responsible and sustainable way while re-connecting our local and international communities.

For this year’s exceptional edition, CHART Copenhagen transforms into CHART Copenhagen, Helsinki, Oslo, Reykjavik, and Stockholm in a radical re-thinking of the art event.

“Adapting to a new reality is not only necessary, it is the only responsible thing to do. Due to government restrictions we are unable to gather a vast audience at our usual fantastic venue Kunsthal Charlottenborg in central Copenhagen. Meanwhile we are painfully aware of the difficult situation the art scene finds itself in. That’s why we’ve developed a new way to build on our strong network of participating galleries, artists, loyal collectors, museums, and institutions,”says Nanna Hjortenberg, Director of CHART.

For their CHART presentations, the 28 participating Nordic galleries will show 100% women artists, a first for the international art fair community. With this strong collective statement, the ambition is to highlight one of the biggest structural barriers in the art scene and art market; gender imbalance.

“We understand that no one can solve this challenge alone, but through collaboration we can create awareness and drive a positive change towards a more balanced and diverse art scene. We think it’s worth pushing for,” says Nanna Hjortenberg.

CHART De-centred
During the CHART weekend the galleries will show the artists’ works in their own gallery spaces across the five Nordic capital cities. CHART will publish a book presenting the artists and reflecting on the future of the art scene with essays by leading voices in the international artistic community. Throughout the weekend a series of physical events will take place in the galleries encouraging their local art communities to participate and sustain the local art scenes, which now more than ever need support.

CHART 2020 Exhibiting Galleries:
Andersen’s (DK), Galleri Bo Bjerggaard (DK), BORCH Editions (DK), Croy Nielsen (DK/AT), Edition Copenhagen (DK), Gether Contemporary (DK), Martin Asbæk Gallery (DK), Galleri Nicolai Wallner (DK), Nils Stærk (DK), SPECTA (DK), Galleri Susanne Ottesen (DK), V1 Gallery (DK), Galerie Anhava (FI), Galerie Forsblom (FI), Galleria Heino (FI), Helsinki Contemporary (FI), Persons Projects (FI), Galleri Brandstrup (NO), Golsa (NO), OSL Contemporary (NO), BERG Contemporary (IS), Hverfisgallerí (IS), i8 (IS) Galleri Andersson/Sandström (SE), Cecilia Hillström Gallery (SE), Galleri Magnus Karlsson (SE), Galerie Nordenhake (SE), Gallery Steinsland Berliner (SE).

CHART 2020 Exhibiting Artists:
A K Dolven (NO), Anastasia Ax (SE), Andrea Büttner (DE), Ane Graff (NO), Anna Bjerger (SE), Anna Daniell (NO), Anna Fro Vodder (DK), Anna-Karin Furunen (NO), Apichaya Wanthiang (TH), Arna Óttarsdóttir (IS), B. Ingrid Olson (US), Brigitte Waldach (DE), Camilla Vuorenmaa (FI), Candida Höfer (DE), Carmen Herrera (CU/US), Chantal Joffe (UK), Charlotte Brüel (DK), Chiharu Shiota (JP), Clare Woods (UK), Darja Bajagic (ME), Ditte Ejlerskov (DK) & Eva Marie Lindahl (SE), Dominique Gonzales-Foerster (FR), Elina Brotherus (FI), Elizabeth Peyton (US), Emma Helle (FI), Essi Kuokkanen (FI), Eva Schlegel (AT), Frances Goodman (ZA), Frida Orupabo (NO), Hanna Hansdotter (SE), Hildur Bjarnadóttir (IS), Hulda Stefándóttir (IS), Janaina Tschäpe (DE), Johanna Karlsson (SE), Katharina Grosse (DE), Katharina Sieverding (CZ/DE), Kriistina Uusitalo (FI), Lillibeth Cuenca Rasmussen (DK), Liu Shiyuan (DK/CN), Lisa Jonasson (SE), Maija Luutonen (FI), Mamma Andersson (SE), Mandy El-Sayegh (UK), Margét H. Blöndal (IS), Marie Lund (DK), Maria Rubinke (DK), Marie Søndergaard Lolk (DK), Mona Hatoum (PS), Nanna Abell (DK), Nina Beier (DK), Pernille With Madsen (DK), Rauha Mäkilä (FI), Rina Banerjee (IN), Roni Horn (US), Sara Vide-Ericson (SE), Sif Itona Westerberg (DK), Sigrid Sandström (SE), Siri Elfhag (SE), Steina (IS), Tacita Dean (UK), Trine Søndergaard (DK), Urara Tsuchiya (JP), Wangechi Mutu (KE), Ylva Carlgren (SE).

  • CHART Booksigning
  • Martin Asbæk Gallery
    Bredgade 23
    1260 Copenhagen
  • August 30, 2020

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