Trine Søndergaard is participating in the exhibition at Museum Kunst der Westküste

“The roughly 100 masterpieces of Scandinavian, German and Dutch artists from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries address the fascinating living environment of “sea and coast” in portrayals of hard-working fishermen on the high seas, of women anxiously awaiting the return of their beloved, of people at the beach or of members of the upper class pursuing their fashionable leisure activities. Nature itself plays a prominent role: the sea, calm in one painting is calm and churning and roaring in another, and the sky, beautifully picturesque one moment and dramatically beclouded the next.”


Strude #1

  • Art and Coast, group exhibition
  • Museum Kunst der Westküste, Föhr, Germany
  • July 10, 2014 – January 11, 2015

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